Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 28 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

This blog post is dedicated to my beau. :)  Although there have been many people and experiences that have greatly influenced my life, especially the relationship I have with my Savior, I must say that the  person that has made an impact on my life most recently would be my beau.

It started with a dream.  A young girl's dream, in fact.  My dream.  A dream of one day meeting the person who not only shares the same love and dedication to our Heavenly Father, but also someone who would encourage me and draw me closer to my Prince. 

Flash forward a few years and that same dream, still alive in my heart and with the gentle guiding and leading of my precious Savior's hand, began to unfold. My loving Heavenly Father graciously revealed the beginning of a story so wonderful that I can only give credit to Him for bringing us together in His perfect timing.

God has used this special young man to bless me in more ways than I can count, and I cannot help but thank the Lord for providing me with someone who is caring, thoughtful, and is a great encouragement in Christ.  :)

Of course, I am biased....(what girlfriend isn't? ;) ), but I have to say that being with someone that can encourage me in my walk with Christ is a blessing beyond measure and something that I have been praying and waiting for for a long time.  I just amazes me how God answers prayers. :)

And to all my sisters in Christ that are faithfully waiting for the right one to arrive in their lives, just know that God is preparing, shaping and molding the right person for you right at this moment.  So that when that special day arrives, you and he will be ready to begin a wonderful story that could only be written by the hand of a most loving God. :)

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that is so awesome that God has blessed you so. It really is a blessing to see, and I'm sure your beau feels the same way about you, and I bet he really appreciates this post. :)
