Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 15 - A picture of your favorite book.


  1. you are invited to follow my blog

  2. I love this one ;D

    So... I was wondering (just as a random question which may actually be useful for you to answer ;D ) What types of things would the owner of Sweet Sakura studios like for a birthday? Some sort of homemade interesting thing to use with your photography? (like a homemade camera bag), or pocky, or a pillow with embroidery on it, or a new bible cover.......... What would Sweet Sakura Studios suggest?

  3. Yes! The Bible is the best Book ever!

  4. A birthday present? Really! :) Well, I know of something I would use ALL the time and would make my camera look extra snazzy... ;)

    It would probably be an SLR Canon camera strap cover. Like this one here:

    I really like the fabric with the damask pattern (I think I've seen something similar at Joanns). I like the colors, too, simple but elegant. :) Plus, it also has a bonus lens cap pocket, which is very useful! :D

    Thanks for asking! :)
