Monday, April 25, 2011

A Fresh Start and a meeting with Cinderella!

I guess I should start by welcoming you to the blog of Sweet Sakura Studios.  Here you will find just a sneak peek into the life, rambling and musings of a 19 year old born again Christian girl who has a love for her Savior and photography.  The purpose of this blog is to show my readers snippets of the beauty and blessings God has sprinkled generously into my life.  My prayer is that I may be able to share with you through this blog, my dear readers, a part of who I am as a living, breathing, human being created in the image of my dear Savior and to glorify the One who knew me even before I was born. {Jeremiah 1:5} and to share with you some nice photos, of course. ;)

I hope everyone enjoyed a very blessed Resurrection Day! :) My family and I spent the day at a friend's house for their sunrise service and it was such a blessing to fellowship with everyone there.  That morning was quite foggy and misty, it reminded me of a scene from Pride and Prejudice and I could just imagine Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth walking towards each other as the fog slowly lifts and the sun rises.  Oh, so romantic! <3 :)

My sisters and I went over to a friend's house to decorate eggs! :)

Annah, drawing neat designs onto her egg.
The brightly colored dyes.

The brightly colored eggs.

It was so much fun decorating it, and my younger sister made a pink Kirby egg! I tend to find things that are cute and colored pink very adorable...especially when it comes to things like Hello Kitty or Kirby!! :D

Isn't it CUTE?!?!

Afterwards, we decided to play dress up and my friend Kristena decided to dressed up for the day as Cinderella! :) I absolutely loved her blue dress and with her lovely blonde hair she looked just as stunning as Cinderella herself! All that's missing is her Prince to dance with her before the clock strikes twelve! ;)

Of course, this Cinderella had a pair of killer, comfy, fuzzy boots instead of glass slippers. ;)

 My feet were all dusty and dirty after we were done with the photo shoot as I had decided to imitate Cinderella myself and leave not one, but both my ballet slippers on the side of the road.  Here's a little snippet of my dusty, much-loved ballet flats.  Note to self: do not wear flats when trekking outdoors...


...opt for the heavy-duty boots....I now have a wonderful bug bite the size of a silver dollar on my right foot that is in desperate need of hydrocortisone. There are more photos from this photo shoot, and will be updated on my Facebook fan page: Sweet Sakura Studios

Have a wonderful, blessed day!

{Psalm 18:45}

Listening to: "Lead me to the Cross" - Francesca Battistelli


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